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SRX145124: Illumina whole genome shotgun sequencing of genomic DNA paired-end library 'Pond-111698' containing sample 'ATCC51263' from individual 'Enterococcus_columbae_ATCC51263'
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2000) run: 25.7M spots, 5.2G bases, 3.4Gb downloads

UUID: 6100644b-f051-413b-aadf-2f0d4df600bd
Design: Illumina sequencing of Enterococcus columbae DSM 7374 = ATCC 51263 via random selection
Submitted by: Broad Institute (BI)
Study: Enterococcus columbae DSM 7374 = ATCC 51263 Genome sequencing and assembly
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Genome Sequencing of Enterococcus
Sample: Generic sample from Enterococcus columbae DSM 7374 = ATCC 51263
SAMN00779864 • SRS411273 • All experiments • All runs
Name: Pond-111698
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2000
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: PAIRED
Spot descriptor:
forward102  reverse

Experiment attributes: (show all 7 attributes...) (hide...)
gssr_id: 133665.0
lsid: broadinstitute.org:bsp.prod.sample:2BBHD
material_type: DNA:DNA Somatic
project: G15053
root_sample_id: SM-221WZ
sample_id: SM-2BBHD
work_request: 27065
Pipeline: show...hide...
base caller2011-12-17 03:28:40.0GAPipelineRTA1.12.4.2Sequencer Application 1.4.8
Runs: 1 run, 25.7M spots, 5.2G bases, 3.4Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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